Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Improvement of the User Management

Question: Describe about the Report for Improvement of the User Management. Answer: Introduction The focus has been on the different variety of the open interface with the functionalities that will be combining with the offering that holds for the extra value patterns for the users. With this, there is a possibility to share the recording over the different applications and online. The collaborative rooms have been set to handle the services of the internet along with the meshups and combinations which are important for the users to communicate effectively. The application is based on handling the videoconference and the video chatting in the collaborative rooms while talking to the people. it is mainly like the video sharing application but in this, we will not be sharing the video. (Maes et al., 2004). Only the audio will be shared over the client server application. This will help in easy communication along with saving the time of the people to write and then wait for the response. This application can also help in getting connected and detecting whether the person who is sp eaking is actual or not. Features of the Application This includes a proper sign in and the sign up feature along with the creation of the group. There have been different members of the group and are able to communicate with the open voice streaming process. The members in the group are able to communication, join and leave the session as per their own choice just like the video chat. It is also being reading by the mic of the device of the server with the playing out a proper voice from the speaker. Hence, with this the server is able to get the video accurately and it then pushes it to the other members of the group. It is considered to be like the multi-tenant environment, with the basic use of the HTML5 and Java. There has been usage of the different tools like the JSP, HTML5, Java etc. for the handling of the database in the system through the use of MySQL and Oracle. (Katinshky et al., 2002). The implementation of the project focused on the in line features which are able to fit in with the different choices for the material and the tools of the software. This is mainly for the befitting for which the system has to be used. Signup- This will be for the new user registration for the start of the chatting on the system. There has been information like the username, full name and the password which is important for the verification of the user along with the handling of the database with the reference. Sign in works on enabling the users to register and help in logging into the applications for the exchanging of the voice messages. Here, the users work on the specification of the username and the passwords with the proper authentication that has been set with the performance and handling of the different error messages that is through the access which is granted to handle and commence with the settling procedures. The sending of the voice messages are for the enabling of the user to handle the recording of the same and send it to the other users who are found to be at the other end. There is a receive and the playing of the voice messages which will help and enable the listeners for properly handling and downloading the messages of the voice that has been sent or uploaded by the speaker. Design and the Development Environment With this, there has been a Java Server Page which is able to handle the powerful technology of programming along with the fully oriented patterns with the programming patterns. JSP is able to work on the development along with handling the server scripting side. The transferring choice of the different voice messages from the user is through the JSP along with the additional details which are linked to the server of the database. (Dodrill et al., 2005). HTML5 is considered to be the mark-up language which is able to handle the content on the WWW. There have been standards that are set to improve the language along with the support to the different multimedia system to work on the easy readable system that has been understood by the different computers as well as the devices. They are able to include the processing of the models and work on the implementation to extend and improve the rationalised procedures for the documents. The application programming interface is mainly to handle the setup along with the cross platform mobile application which will include the lower powering devices as well. (Chuah et al., 2002). This is for the handling of the interaction with the capability to work on the support of the different parts with the improvement in the functionality, development and the consideration pattern for the mobile devices as well as the other development tools. Java Script is the standardisation which is considered to be the client side scripting technology for the proper performance of the validation of the data. This is mainly to make sure that the inputs from the users are not the only major reason for the program problem but the validation is mainly based on the actions and how it will be handling the server and other applications through the validated form of the database pattern with the inputting of a particular format. With this, there is a possibility that API is seen to be working with the texts, arrays, regular expressions and the networking of the graphical facilities. These are not mainly web based but are for the newer and the faster virtual machines which are building up on the increased server side web applications. As per the requests, the patterns are based on the performance with the just-in-time compilation process along with the effective development of the application. Asynchronous Java Script and the Extensible Mark-up Language (AJAX) has been mainly used for the integration of the JavaScript and XML. This is for enabling the client to work on the sending of the requests and receiving the response which will be important for the storing of the information and working on the reception of the voice messages. This is mainly without the users who have been explicitly handle the web pages with the receiving of the new messages. Oracle database has been set for the server side memory structure which will be holding the cache information like the data buffering, SQL commands and the other information of the user. The process is based on the handling of the transactional history with the processes which can work on handling the resources on the nodes with the use by the database. The execution of the stored procedures and the functions are mainly to invoke and handle the changes as per the storage with the partitioning and the monitoring of the system with the large data sets. (Luzeki et al., 2002). Tomcat Web Server This is based on handling the use of the hosting with the web applications to handle the information along with the clients being connected with the local area network in order to handle the testing requirements. Procedures of Testing The procedures to the testing are with the contribution where the web applications are for the handling of the functionality with the different use of the procedures: The process of the installation of the Oracle MySQL Database with the handling of the Database server as well as the Apache Tomcat web is mainly for the computers which are considered to be used as the servers. There has been a proper setup for the local area network with the server computer as well as the other two computers or the clients. Deployment work on the applications where the server computer system works and handling the initiation of the database with the web server setup. The starting of the web server with the client computer to address the bar with the browser, IP address and the application names which are important to be entered. This will be for the IP address of the server which will be and the name of the application is WhatsappWeb the URL will be: For the entire process and the functioning, there will be a web virtual server which will be able to host the local computer along with the functions of the cloud over the applications of the Apache Tomcat Web Server. This mainly includes and work on the enabling of the computer system over the entire network. Along with this, there is a setup of the applications with the internet access that is applicable for the different cloud computing platform applications. Conclusion The work has been done on improvement of the user management of the voice data along with the quality of the service that has been provided by the different applications. The basic idea is to work on the different principles which will help the handling of the simple, flexible and the reusable interface pattern along with the oriented services. The implementation is mainly to handle the sections of the users, tokens and the services which are for the representation of the third party users along with the communication that will be working on the authorisation of the users with the applications that have been set for the third party. The services are mainly to work and define the patterns where the user want to share the applications with the executions on the Java Virtual Machine. The services are set where there is a proper handling of the HTML5 and the other application with the deployment of the services. Reference Katinsky, S., Burress, M. and Furtado, J., Supertuner. Com, 2002.Web application for accessing media streams. U.S. Patent 6,452,609.] Maes, S.H., Lubensky, D.M. and Sakrajda, A., International Business Machines Corporation, 2004.Universal IP-based and scalable architectures across conversational applications using web services for speech and audio processing resources. U.S. Patent 6,801,604. Dodrill, L.D., Garahan, P.T. and Barban, S.H., Cisco Technology, Inc., 2005.Delivering voice portal services using an XML voice-enabled web server. U.S. Patent 6,912,691. Chuah, C.N. and Katz, R.H., 2002. Characterizing packet audio streams from internet multimedia applications. InCommunications, 2002. ICC 2002. IEEE International Conference on(Vol. 2, pp. 1199-1203). IEEE. Kambhatla, N., Touma, M., Wolf, C.G. and Zadrozny, W.W., International Business Machines Corporation, 2004.System and method for accessing voice mail from a remote server. U.S. Patent 6,704,394. Luzeski, N.M., Meyer, D.P., Murphy, A.A., Homan, J.L. and Russell, G.P., Unisys Corporation, 2002.Universal messaging system providing integrated voice, data and fax messaging services to pc/web-based clients, including a session manager for maintaining a session between a messaging platform and the web-based clients. U.S. Patent 6,404,762.4 Dodrill, L.D., Ravishankar, G., Joshi, S., Basil, K.M., Danner, R.A., Grove Jr, J.R. and Martin, S.J., Cisco Technology, Inc., 2004.Application server configured for dynamically generating web pages for voice enabled web applications. U.S. Patent 6,766,298. Luzeski, N.M., Meyer, D.P., Murphy, A.A., Homan, J.L. and Russell, G.P., Unisys Corporation, 2002.Universal messaging system providing integrated voice, data and fax messaging services to pc/web-based clients, including a session manager for maintaining a session between a messaging platform and the web-based clients. U.S. Patent 6,404,762.4 Maes, S.H., Lubensky, D.M. and Sakrajda, A., International Business Machines Corporation, 2004.Universal IP-based and scalable architectures across conversational applications using web services for speech and audio processing resources. U.S. Patent 6,801,604. Answer:

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