Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Principles Ethics, And My General Ethical...

When people think of ethics, they think of norms or standards that help them distinguish their moral instincts in an atmosphere, but ethics is much more than that. The best way to interpret ethics, and my general ethical philosophy, is to look at your beliefs and think about your reaction if those beliefs were challenged. My ethics are the norms that I follow which allow me to carry out all of my decisions and the way I live my life. We are not born with ethical principles; they are thrown together over time by our elders and those that influence us. Over time, these principles make up who we are and what we believe in. This process shapes us into the individuals we will become as well as developing our norms. Once these norms are imprinted, they govern our way of looking at the world around us as well as helping us distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. This process is also developed into our conscience as a guide which governs the rest of our lives. Our lives are governed by our ethical decisions; therefore, ethics are very important. I believe it is very important to act in an ethical manner for three reasons. First, being ethical helps us evaluate situations before the situations happen. In consequence, a decision is made based on our understanding of the situation. Second, our ethics act as our mediator when approaching situations or interacting with other people. We can make a decision based on our own judgement, which may be wisdom, insight, orShow MoreRelatedEthical Perspective1151 Words   |  5 PagesEthical Perspective MGT 344 W3 Individual Assignment University of Phoenix Darrell DiFabio October 20, 2008 Ethical Perspective Introduction Ethics can be defined as a philosophical study of moral values based on the concept of right and wrong. Therefore, ethical perspective could be considered as a person’s individual perception of moral values, beliefs and rules based on his or her personal view of right and wrong. 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